
Not all Acorns will grow into a Oak tree; neither will every idea or dream turn into a fulfilling, satisfying, rewarding harvest of benefits.

Conversely, no Oak tree can grow unless one first has an acorn! Great companies, careers, projects, relationships, children, health and inner growth don't happen by chance. Neither do they rain down from heaven nor spring-forth into reality from the depths of a dark abyss.

NO! Everything we regard as successful or success-reinforcing, comes first from an idea, a dream, a seed notion that arises from the heart and mind of a human being. The person without a dream can never reap a satisfying, fulfilling harvest of success. Stated another way... You must begin your success with a dream.

A real true life-dream is something that you envision for your total life, all your life. A life-dream is the way you want to live not just those things you want to own. A life-dream is the person you want to be not the title you want to see under your name on the door. A life dream is the mind set you have not the degrees you earn. A life dream is the world view that you claim as your own not the collection of stamps on your passport.

Think of this: Human being is the only creature in the universe that has the capacity for exercising creative imagination! The divine quality of dreaming, what you want to be, where you want to go, all of this makes you the most unique creature in all creation!....

A television is engineered to pick up the moving pictures that are in the air waves around you now. Your mind was invented and created by God to pick up the messages and mental pictures He is sending your way.


We are just two people who ran from the pain of our broken past. On meeting each other, we both knew we've found the person to fill the void that we both thought is unreacheable by anyone or anything. Then our mantra is to walk side by side, not one leading as the other might not follow.

Despite all that could have happened in our past, we do believe that the brightest future is and will always be based on a forgotten past because no one has come up with a formula to change the way we experience the world.

Do not let your past keep your future hostage. The worst thing you can do for love is to deny it; and when you find that special someone, don't let anyone or anything to get in your way.

As a believer, you will never be permanently disappointed. God will cause everything to work out for your good. God will always send the right person to say the right thing to keep you from missing your destiny.


In any child's life, it is of a social believe that the prescence or role of a father is very important. We all attestate to this with our array of cards, gifts and souvenouirs as soon as fathers day is round the corner. This shows that having a father figure in the home or in the lives of children is important. This can also be said of Prescence of God in each and everyone's life. In His Prescence you enjoy the security, the blessings and itch-free life associated with it as it was written in the book of Psalm 16:11

'Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.'

Imagine when a good father comes back from work and the children are running straight to him, even with the mother shouting be careful, but nothing matters to them at that point other than showing their father they love and missed him, also they will probably get some treats either what they ask for or what he thinks they need. This is the same with You and God, when you're in His prescence nothing matters to you anymore, you get what you've asked for and the other goodies He deemed you need. Just Like a little child feel safe and secured in front of the father so also you have that security in front of God. In the book of Psalm 114:1-8, we can see what happens when we carry the prescence of God. The problems and issues will see you and run, because you are in the prescence of your Almighty Father.


The Bible made us to understand in the book of Matthew 18:20

'For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.'
The Synagogue, temple, cathedral, church is just a building but what command the prescence of God are the activities of the people that gathered together in there. Do not misconstruded my words, going to church, temple or synagogue is a good practice however, what you do and how you do it is what matters. When you gathered together in His Name, He will be with you and surely, He will show Himself strong in your midst. Joshua gathered together the Israelites in the Name of God and the wall of Jericho couldn't stand anymore.